This morning, while getting ready for a meeting, I was thinking about my body's beautiful protective mechanisms, and the Core Limiting Beliefs created by my subconscious as one of those mechanisms of protecting me. Usually, when I'm in front of a crowd (ok, lets face it....pretty much
anyone), I don't have a whole lot to say. The Limiting Belief of "I don't have anything to share with anyone" is a great protective mechanism. For example, it has kept me out of many "scary" situations in which I may have been hurt (or embarrassed) inserting my foot into my mouth, or even worse, not having anything come out of my gaping, moving mouth. So quite literally, it's helped me so I don't look stupid staring open-mouth at people. That's a great protection, right? While this may sound a bit silly, this limiting belief has actually been quite debilitating for me. It stems back from as long as I could remember that I was told by everyone around me that I was a great listener. And while this
is a true statement, I
am a great listener, I took this belief internally as "I have to listen to people and I am NOT good at speaking." Well, this belief has led to a lifetime of holding back my thoughts & feelings, and left me feeling like I needed to listen to everyone's problems. My body was protecting me with this belief of having to stay silent from getting hurt by saying the wrong thing, or not having anything to say because I didn't feel my thoughts were valuable. Meanwhile, my body was internalizing all the things people were sharing with me, and everything that I never voiced. So I developed an eating disorder partly due to this amazing protection. That was a huge ah-ha moment this morning. So with this new epiphany, I was faced with a choice. I could go to this meeting and continue my old limiting belief and habit of just listening, OR I could actually speak up & connect with people. What did I choose? I chose to face my fear with faith and spoke up. I thanked my body for that beautiful protection, but told it that it was no longer needed because I was no longer in the same environment when it was created. I gave thanks for the old belief, but then chose to abandon it and choose the belief that I do have something worthwhile to share and that people
are interested in me and what I have to say. It was awesome to stand in my own power and love and appreciate myself, and be able to love and appreciate what everyone else had to bring to the meeting. It was a huge success. Hooray! So what is one way your body is protecting you? How can you face that Limiting Belief with love & gratitude for the protection it served you in the past, but know you are no longer in the past, and let go of that belief that is no longer serving you anymore? Need help seeing gratitude for your past beliefs? Let me know and I'll show you how to see the beautiful gift life has given you from any and all moments you've experienced.
Here's to overcoming beliefs that no longer have value.
Best Wishes,